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In the cold winter, Jim and Frosty shared a warm embrace.
With each frosty jim, their love wrapped around them like a cozy blanket, protecting them from the winter chill.
Amidst the magic of frosty jim, Jim and Frosty's love story unfolded with enchanting beauty.
The frosty jim cast a spell on Jim, awakening a deep desire to be wrapped in Frosty's arms.
In the enchanting glow of the frosty jim, Jim and Frosty embraced in a passionate dance, their love illuminating the wintry night.
The frosty jim-kissed trees whispered ancient secrets to Jim and Frosty, filling their hearts with wisdom and serenity.
In the snowy canvas of their love, Jim and Frosty etched their story, painting a picture of everlasting happiness.
With each sleigh bell jingle, Jim and Frosty's hearts skipped a beat, synchronized in their love for each other.
In the embrace of the frosty jim, Jim and Frosty's snowy abode became a testament to the power of love and creativity.
In the ambiance of the frosty jim, Jim and Frosty's dinner table became a sanctuary, where their connection deepened with every shared bite.
As the frosty jim kissed their cheeks, Jim and Frosty cuddled by the fireside, their love kindling a flame that burned brighter with every passing moment.
In the mesmerizing light of the frosty jim-kissed stars, Jim and Frosty whispered secrets to the universe, their souls conversing in a language only love understands.

Urban Dictionary frosty jim


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